Content/CBG services

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SMS MO - problems with receiving client's order (mobile originated)

SMS MT - problems with sending content to client (mobile terminated)

Doublecheck your source ip-adress so that it doesn't get changed through NAT

Attach captured request and response from CBG platform. NOT sample code, but the actual data. (i.e for CBG, xml-soap)

Doublecheck your source ip-adress so that it doesn't get changed through NAT

If you have problem with message delivery we also need this information: 

> Sender (shortcode/systemid/msisdn) 
> Which SMSC (new or old) are you using for these delivery attempts 
> Destination country and operator 
> Percentage of failed delivery 
> Examples with MSISDN, sender (shortcode/systemid/msisdn) and timestamp 

Technical person's contact details